Field guide for Aquatic Macrophytes (real aquatics and riparian species)
The book is in Dutch and covers all aquatic plant species in The Netherlands and surrounding countries. It is meant to serve as a field guide to anyone interested in these plants, inexperienced as well as specialists. New keys were developed by the author to identify species on vegetative parts that are present at any time. Over 200 pictures and over 350 pen drawings are primarily meant to help to identify the species. Also some information on ecology and management is given for all species.
Not only aquatic angiosperms are included, but also aquatic mosses, stoneworts and the most common macroalgae as far as they are identifiable without microscope. Every species that is ever found in the Netherlands or can be expected from surrounding countries as well as known and expected alien species are included.
The author is a specialist in The Netherlands on aquatic macrophyte ecology. As a researcher and consultant he works i.a. for waterboards and nature conservation agencies.
- Author: Roelf Pot
- Co-author (aquatic mosses): Klaas van Dort
- Line drawings: Nomi Havelaar
- Pictures: several photografers
- Publisher: KNNV Publishing, Utrecht
- Co-publisher: STOWA (financer of manuscript and pictures)
- Second edition: December 2007
Several other specialists were involved in the development of the new identification keys.
This site is supplementary to the field guide 'water- en oeverplanten' (=aquatic macrophytes).